From ZaInternetHistory

                        R H O D E S   U N I V E R S I T Y
                         C O M P U T I N G   C E N T R E
                  On the Issue of What to Do to Message Headers
        There is some confusion on how to process message headers.  The
        problem lies in the program on the RURES Cyber that processes
        RSCS relay mail for forwarding to Fidonet.  Just how exactly
        should the following message be forwarded?  What must it look
        like?  What are the issues involved?
        Assume that we are dealing with a message like this:-
                   <-- Contents of message --------------------....->
                 1 Date:     Wed, 04 Jan 89 09:22:20 +0200 (SAST)
                 2 From:     <CCFJ@RUPHYS>

                 3 To:       Jim%MIT@rures
                 4 Subject:  TEST
                 6 TEST
        Should it be
        Option 1:-
                   <-- Contents of message --------------------....->
                 1 To:   Jim@MIT
                 2 From: <CCFJ@RUPHYS>
                 3 Subj: TEST
                 5 Return-path: <CCFJ@RUPLA>
                 6 Received: Wed, 04 Jan 89 09:23:24 +0200 (SAST)
                 7 Date:     Wed, 04 Jan 89 09:22:20 +0200 (SAST)
                 8 From:     <CCFJ@RUPLA>
                 9 To:       Jim%MIT@rures
                10 Subject:  TEST
                12 TEST
        Option 2:-
                   <-- Contents of message --------------------....->

                 1 Return-path: <CCFJ@RUPLA>
                 2 Received: Wed, 04 Jan 89 09:23:24 +0200 (SAST)
                 3 Date:     Wed, 04 Jan 89 09:22:20 +0200 (SAST)
                 4 From:     <CCFJ@RUPLA>
                 5 To:       Jim@MIT
                 6 Subject:  TEST
                 8 TEST
        or what?
        What does RFC 822 specify?
        Extract from RFC 822
        The following subset of syntax rules has been extracted from RFC
        822, Appendix D.  It has been resorted to be in a better(?) or
        clearer(?) order, rather than just alphabetic.
        message     =  fields *( CRLF *text )       ; Everything after
                                                    ;  first null line
                                                    ;  is message body
        fields      =    dates                      ; Creation time,
                         source                     ;  author id & one
                       1*destination                ;  address required
                        *optional-field             ;  others optional
        dates       =   orig-date                   ; Original
                      [ resent-date ]               ; Forwarded
        source      = [  trace ]                    ; net traversals
                         originator                 ; original mail
                      [  resent ]                   ; forwarded
        trace       =    return                     ; path to sender
                       1*received                   ; receipt tags
        return      =  "Return-path" ":" route-addr ; return address
        received    =  "Received"    ":"            ; one per relay
                          ["from" domain]           ; sending host
                          ["by"   domain]           ; receiving host
                          ["via"  atom]             ; physical path
                         *("with" atom)             ; link/mail protocol
                          ["id"   msg-id]           ; receiver msg id
                          ["for"  addr-spec]        ; initial form
                          ";"    date-time         ; time received
        originator  =   authentic                   ; authenticated addr
                      [ "Reply-To"   ":" 1#address] )
        authentic   =   "From"       ":"   mailbox  ; Single author
                    / ( "Sender"     ":"   mailbox  ; Actual submittor
                        "From"       ":" 1#mailbox) ; Multiple authors
                                                    ;  or not sender
        There are several things of note.
        The Term 'header'
        The term 'header' is not mentioned; what we loosely call a
        header is in fact 'fields'.  The syntax of 'fields' is given
        above.  However, because the term 'header' is so ingrained in my
        thinking, I will continue to use it, but it is an exact synonym
        for 'fields'.
        Expanded 'message' Syntax
        Expanding the syntax for 'fields' (ie the header), an leaving
        out some definitions of minor interest solely for the purpose of
        clarity, we get:-
        message     =    orig-date
                      [  return  1*received  ]
                      *( CRLF *text )
        Interpreting this syntax, we get
        "A message starts with a mandatory date-timestamp line showing
        when it was created.  There shall be exactly one such line.
        "This may be followed by a single return path and any number of
        received lines, but if a return path is present then there must
        be at least one received line.  Also, given the presence of at
        least one received line, there shall be exactly one return path.
        "There shall be exactly one From field, possibly preceded by a
        Sender field as well.
        "There shall be at least one destination.
        "There may be any or no optional fields.
        "There shall then be a blank line, followed by any or no

        What is RFC 822 Defining?
        As with most RFCs, there is no attempt to force any internal
        operation or structure onto any computer system.  Here is an
        extract from page 1 of RFC 822:-
        (NB.  My capitals, also my reformatting, but the concept is from
        RFC 822)
        (NB further.  The CONTENTS are, in fact, the message as defined
        in the syntax above)
        "...  messages are viewed as having an ENVELOPE and CONTENTS.
        The ENVELOPE contains whatever information is needed to
        accomplish transmission and delivery.  The CONTENTS compose the
        object to be delivered to the recipient.  THIS STANDARD APPLIES
        CONTENTS.  It contains no specification of the information in
        the ENVELOPE."
        My interpretation of this, in term of any protocol that moves
        mail, is that the envelope will a vary drastically with the
        protocol, but the contents will be very much the same.  Sure,
        details of Received:  and Return-path:  will differ, but
        precious little else.  No extra header lines will appear simply
        because a differing protocol moves the mail.
        Now let's look at the next paragraph that follows the one quoted
        "However, some message systems may use information from the
        CONTENTS to create the ENVELOPE.  It is intended that this
        standard facilitate the acquisition of such information by
        Given that the envelope is not part of the message (for message
        syntax, see above) and given that the contents are the same (or
        very nearly so) regardless of the transport protocol, it seems
        clear that any program that feeds a message to the protocol
        prior to transmission must form the envelope, and it can do this
        by looking at the contents.
        In the case of our Cyber mail generator, we could feasibly
        generate the NJROUTE command by not looking at the contents of
        the message, but in principle the single To:  response serves
        the purpose of generating the envelope as well as going directly
        into the contents, as part of the header line, so this is
        splitting hairs.
        Regarding the difference between how a message is stored, and
        how it is transmitted, RFC 822 follows the above paragraph with
        this one:-
        "Some message systems may store messages in formats that differ
        from the one specified in this standard.  This specification is
        intended strictly as a definition of what message CONTENT FORMAT
        is to be passed BETWEEN hosts."
        Note carefully.  Store messages in any form that is acceptable
        to the host computer.  Display them to users in any way that you
        like.  Destroy them, sort them, hash them, that is a site
        To bring this point home, RFC 822 follows on with:-
        "Note:  This standard is NOT intended to dictate the internal
        formats used by sites, the specific message system features that
        they are expected to support, or any of the characteristics of
        user interface programs that create or read messages."
        To get back to the problem, what to do with message headers, it
        should be clear that the problem of what is displayed and the
        problem of what message is interchanged are two separate
        problems.  The internal (ie within the host computer) form may
        be anything that the host site decides.  The interchange form is
        clearly spelt out in RFC 822.
        Hence, it seems to be sensible to
        a) display and/or deliver the message according to option 1, or
        in any other way that we will find acceptable to the users of
        the Cyber.  Add what we choose, remove what we choose, mess up
        what we choose, but make sure that users find the results
        b) forward it as per option 2
        Mike Lawrie
        12 Jan 1989.
