Info about the first TCP.IP workshop at Rhodes

From ZaInternetHistory

The title of this article is incorrect due to technical limitations. The correct title is Info about the first TCP/IP workshop at Rhodes.
                           TCP/IP WORKSHOP
                           6-8 August 1990
                          Rhodes University
1.  What it is:-
1.1.  a co-operative venture between the University of Potchefstroom
and Rhodes University with a view to making the forthcoming link up
between these two universities as productive, useful and reliable as
possible, as seen in the wider context of a tcp/ip network within the
1.2.  a learing process for all who are involved,
1.3.  an interchange of knowledge, experience and problems.
2.  What it is NOT:-
2.1.  a forum for debate on the merits of tcp/ip,
2.2.  an open invitation to any and everyone,
2.3.  a discussion of LANs and cabling.
3.  Possible attendees:-
3.1.  Potch:- Sakkie, Henri
3.2.  Rhodes:- Mike, Jacot, Dave
3.3.  UCT:- Chris Pinkham, possibly.
3.4.  UNatal:- Alan Barrett
3.5.  UOFS:- (declined)
3.6.  CSIR:- One attendee
3.7.  UPE:- Chris Nel, Gavin Melville
3.8.  Wits:- One attendee
3.9.  Tukkies:- One attendees
3.10. Fort Hare:- Mark Stobbs
Numbers must be limited - a group of 20 will be non-productive, it is
too large.  The above arrangement will give 13, which is about the
4.  Topics for discussion:-
4.1.  PC packages (FTP Software PC/TCP, Wollongong, NCSA/KA9Q)
4.2.  Internetwork connections (PCRoute, Wollongong WIN/ROUTE)
4.3.  Experience to date
4.3.1.  Each site to speak for 15-20 minutes, then 10 minutes
        for questions.
4.4.  Handling mail, newsfeeds
4.5.  Specific proposals for routes
4.6.  Practical work on a testbench
4.7.  Diagnostic techniques
4.8.  Nameservers
4.9.  Source code sources
4.10.  Writing application programs
4.11.  Network services (anonymous ftp)
4.12.  Targets and objectives
Volunteers are needed to act as discussion leaders for these topics.
The leader should give some idea of what the problem is, and (if
possible) some ideas as to how to approach it.  The workshop may well
have to bootstrap itself on several of these topics.
Suggested durations and emphasis on these topic are called for.  We
need to strike a balance between practical work and general
background knowledge.
5.  Practical sessions:-
5.1.  Rhodes will arrange for a Xenix 386 and 3 PCs to be available
for hands-on configuring of networks.  All machines have WD8003E
cards and serial ports.
5.2.  The UCT/Rhodes/Unatal link can be tested out.
5.3.  The three Xenix machines at Rhodes can be used for some
practical work, bearing in mind that two of these machines are in
production mode.
5.4.  Links to the Rhodes Cybers can be tested, as an example of a
poor tcp/ip implementation.
Any other ideas can probably be accomodated.
6.  What to bring:-
6.1.  A commitment to get tcp/ip running at your site
6.2.  Some background about tcp/ip - not necessarily technical
background, but an appreciation of what it can offer would be useful.
7.  Costs:-
7.1.  Each participant must bear the cost of getting to Rhodes, and
the accommodation costs - it is unlikely that we can fix university
accommodation at this time of the year.
7.2.  Rhodes will arrange lunches, and bear the cost thereof.
7.3.  If attendees can co-ordinate arrivals and/or departures at PE
airport, Rhodes will arrange for a kombi to provide transport.
8.  Registration:-
Please advise either Philip Welman (0148 99 2130/1) (rkdpdw@pukvm1)
or Mike Lawrie (0461 2 2023 x 279/280) (ccml@rures) of your travel
arrangements, ASAP.
The workshop will start at 8:30 am on the 6th, and stop by midday on
the 8th.  Delegates will be welcome to stay on a bit longer.
Mike Lawrie
27 July 1990
          T C P / I P   W O R K S H O P   T I M E T A B L E
                              6-8 August
                          Rhodes University
Here is the timetable that we will use for the workshop.  Persons
have been selected to act as leaders for particular topics.  These
persons should be prepared to introduce the topics, to highlight the
issues, and (if possible) to present explanations.
The subtopics are left to the individual topic leader.  Those
subtopics in this timetable are merely there as guides and nothing
Topic leaders have been chosen on the basis of experience, of
volunteering, and of being volunteered.
Monday 6th August
08:30   Welcome
08:45   Site Presentations
        Each site should describe (at least) the following:-
                Campus hardware and software (hosts, terminals)
                Wide area connections
                Local area connections
                Experience with tcp/ip
08:45   UCT             (Chris Pinkham)
09:00   UNatal          (Alan Barrett)
09:15   Rhodes          (Francois Jacot-Guillarmod)
09:30   Potch           (Sakkie Larney/Henry vd Walt)
09:45   CSIR
10:00   Tukkies
10:15   Wits
10:30   Tea
10:45   UPE             (Chris Nel)
11:00   Fort Hare       (Mark Stobbs)
11:15   Internetwork Connections - Chris Pinkham
        Configuring a gateway
                PC Route
        How to set about doing this
                Data link
        Side effects
                On local site
                On remote sites
        Topology of the current Uninet-za internet.
12:00   Nameservers - Francois Jacot-Guillarmod
        Nameservers vs Hostable
        Principle record types
        How it works
        Secondary servers
12:45   Lunch
14:00   PC Packages - Mike Lawrie
        Terminal access vs Workstation access
        NCSA and KA9Q
                Packet driver concepts
                Networks supported
                Memory usage
                Telnet and FTP
        FTP Software Inc
                Device driver concept
                Specific hardware vs Generic packet driver
                Memory usage
                Applications provided
14:45   Mail and Newsfeeds - Alan Barrett
        Differences between mail and newsfeeds
        Principles of control
        Configuring routes
        Present Uninet-za routes
15:30   Tea
15:45   Network Services - Alan Barrett
        Anonymous FTP
                What is it
                Benefits and disadvantages
                How to set it up
        Uninet-za RFCs
        Archive server
        List server
16:30   Review, Discussions - Mike Lawrie
17:00   End
Tuesday 7th August
08:30   Diagnostic Techniques - Francois Jacot-Guillarmod
        SLIP Monitoring
09:30   Source Codes Sources - Francois jacot-Guillarmod
        Unix software
        MS-DOS packages
        Requests For Comments
10:00   Writing TCP/IP Applications - Mike Lawrie
        Concepts, features
        Socket library
10:30   Tea
10:45   Proposals for Routes - Chris Pinkham
        Impact of tcp/ip on Uninet-za
        Physical routes
11:30   Targets and Objectives - Mike Lawrie
        High-level strategy meeting
        Sites that could connect
12:45   Lunch
14:00   Practical Work
        This will be determined very much by the needs of the
        delegates. It is envisaged that the following might be
        done, using PCs and Xenix 386's:-
        Configuring PC Route
        Installing NCSA and KA9Q
        Installing FTP Software's PC/TCP
        Setting up a remote network
        Accessing UCT and Unatal
        Setting up a nameserver
        Setting up a route
        Francois Jacot-Guillarmod and Dave Wilson will ensure that
        hardware and software is available.
Wednesday 8th August
08:30   Review, Discussion - Mike Lawrie
        TCP/IP is very broad in scope. The workshop is likely to
        raise some issues that cannot be predicted at this stage.
        Hence, this period is scheduled to review what has been
        learnt, to amplify on points that have been covered.
09:30   Additional Topics - Mike Lawrie
        There are a number of issues that are not addressed in
        the timetable above. They are a wider than what is needed
        for a simple tcp/ip connection. Sites that proceed blindly
        with their connection to the Uninet-za internet could
        well hit snags if they are unaware of such issues. It is
        hoped that we will be able to raise some of these at this
10:30   Tea
10:45   The Immediate Future - Mike Lawrie
        How do we connect Potch
        Who is next
        Who do we encourage
        How do we educate sites
        Regional meetings
11:30   Closure
